A Judaizing Christian Anti-Romanizing Protestant Forum
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Data for a Truth Handout for the building:
Protestant Quotes:
Charles Chiniquy 1875 - xPapist priester - The Priest, the Woman, and the Confessional
"The Protestant who does not protest against Rome is unworthy of the name"
Martin LuTHer 1545 - Against the Papacy in Rome, founded by the Devil, page 16 Danish version translated 2024
"I mock only with my feeble mockery, so that those who live now, AND THOSE WHO COME AFTER US, SHALL KNOW WHAT I HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THE POPE, THE ACCURSED ANTICHRIST, and so that anyone who wishes to be a Christian can be WARNED AGAINST SUCH AN ABOMINATION."
Cotton Mather 1707 - Puritan minister, author and theologian - The Fall of Babylon 20 page pamphlet
"The oracles of God foretold the rising of an antichrist in the Christian church, and in the Pope of Rome, all the characteristics of that antichrist are so marvelously answered, that if any who read the Scriptures do not see it, there is a marvelous blindness on them."
Baptist confession 1646 - (Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter 25, Section 6) - (Used in multiple confessions)
The Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of the church, in whom, by the appointment of the Father, all power for the calling, institution, order or government of the church, is invested in a supreme and sovereign manner;neither can the Pope of Rome in any sense be head thereof, but is that AntiChrist, that man of sin, and son of perdition, that exalts himself in the church against Christ, and all that is called God; whom the Lord shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.
Alexander Vinet 19th-century Swiss theologian.
"Protestants there are, but Protestantism is no more."
Bible Prophecy Sum up:
Dani'ayl: Statue, 4 Beasts -
Revelation: First Beast - Man of Sin.
History and Poops claim:
And own given Vision (Or whatever one wanna call it) Personal
Darkijah Bayn Jehovah
May 12, 2018
I was doing some more research on the So called Pope and the Jesuits and remembered back to what I saw some weeks ago.
I saw a Pope like figure coming at me in so much pump and splendor and he came quickly very close to me and as he stopped in front of me his outer shell rolled up like a scroll in a way of a spiral from the bottom left rolling upwards toward the right and as it rolled around this figure, rolling his outer shell up a skeleton was found beneath it.
The truth is coming out - The Man in Rome is the Antichrist.
I saw one picture reminding me on one of the videos I saw from a front cover of book I think it was on the Jesuits, that reminded me of what I saw - the Jesuit Black Pope, the General standing with his Soldiers and every single one of them was shown with a Skeleton head most likely representing death.
History has been hidden from us BIGTIME!!!
Dearly regards - Brother, Disciple and Child of Jehovah - Darkijah
May Jehovah bless you, Jayshua, be by you a most precious pearl, and their Spirit of Truth in us All, Amayn!
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